Have you ever opened up your social media app, stared blankly at the screen, and wondered what in the world you should post? You sit there trying to brainstorm for a few minutes, but nothing inspiring hits you. So, you mindlessly browse the feed for a bit (which somehow turns into an hour). Then you close the app feeling a little guilty and a lot discouraged. You want to use your social media accounts in a more intentional way, but you’re just not sure how to do that.
Ever been there? I sure have! And to be honest, I still find myself in that “uninspired and sort of lost” place from time to time. Social media hasn’t been around that long, but most of us are on it because it’s the normal thing to do. But once we’re on there, we get flooded with more content than we could ever possibly consume, and we begin to wonder what our purpose is for being there altogether.
I had a conversation just the other day with a friend that sounded very similar to what I described above.
She was feeling a little lost and a lot uninspired on her Instagram. She wanted to have fun with her account while also being intentional, but she felt confused about her purpose and goals. We chatted for a few minutes, and by the end of our conversation she felt a little more clear on the direction she wanted to go.
My hope in writing this post is to do just that for you. By the time you finish reading this, I hope you’ll feel a little more inspired and a lot more clear about what your purpose and goal is for being on social media. And if you’re not on social media at all, that’s totally fine too! Bravo for your. It’s not for everyone. And don’t feel bad about that either.
For those of you who are on social media, you’ve probably heard the term “influencer” used a lot, right? When you hear that term, you might picture an influencer as being someone with a large social media following who regularly collabs with big brands. Yeah? They most likely have a beautifully crafted account with perfectly curated photos. Sure. And that’s fine. But what if I told you that becoming an influencer isn’t determined by your number of followers?
What if I told you that every person on social media is an “influencer.”
Before you laugh, hear me out. An influencer (at its core) is just that — someone who influences others. Right?
So that means if you have more than 0 followers, you’re an influencer. And those people who follow you (whether it’s 10 or 10,000) are being influenced by what you do on your account. Every time you post a photo, write a description, film a video, or share something, you’re influencing the real people who follow you.
So the first big mindset shift I want you to have with your social media is to view yourself as an influencer.
You are an influencer whether you like it or not. Now here’s the next question: What kind of influencer are you being? What are you posting? What are you saying? What are you sharing? That’s what matters. And if that’s where you’re feeling stuck, keep reading.
I want to offer you some practical tips that really helped me think through my own personal Instagram account (@krstnclark). I’m still learning and growing in this, but the following tips and questions have really helped me figure out my purpose and direction for my account.
1. Figure out your purpose.
What sort of things do you feel passionate about? What do you love? What are you good at? What gets you fired up? How do you want to encourage others? What are you learning? Answering these types of questions will help you figure out what your focus and purpose should be on social media.
Is your account going to be a lifestyle account? Okay, make a list of the things you want to post about. Is your account mainly about family? Okay, make a list of the types of things you want to share intentionally? Is your passion sharing spiritual encouragement to others? Okay, how could you do that in a natural way while incorporating your real life? Maybe you have a skill that others would love to gain knowledge from? Maybe your account could be focused on equipping others?
Just start brainstorming. The first step toward gaining clarity is to nail down your purpose. Spend some time thinking and praying about it, then write down 3-5 sentences describing your new purpose.
2. Post about what you’re already doing in real life.
People are drawn to people. What you post on social media can simply be an extension of what you’re already doing in real life. Don’t overthink it. What are you doing in everyday life? How does your purpose (from above) intertwine with your real life? Incorporate that into your social media accounts, and post about it!
3. Remember, the mission hasn’t changed.
As Christian women, our greatest purpose is to share the gospel and make disciples (Matthew 28). This should be our ultimate goal as we consider our influence on social media. Now, this doesn’t mean every post has to be filled with verses and spiritual thoughts. But even if your passion is something like DIY projects, there is a way to creatively bring your faith with you into that area. Take some time to think about how you can beautifully and naturally intertwine your faith into your accounts.
4. Pick your style.
Have you noticed the variety of styles out there? Think about your social media presence the same way someone would approach decorating their living room or bedroom. Each person has their own preference for colors, style, arrangement, and look. Social media is the same way. How do you want to “decorate” your feed? What editing style do you love? What colors do you like? What patterns can you establish? What filters appeal to you? Figure out your style, then stick with it for a while to give your feed a consistent look.
5. Have fun!
Don’t get stressed out about it. Have fun with your account and make changes whenever you want. Look around and get ideas from other inspiring Christian women. If you’re not excited about what you’re posting, then chances are, other people won’t be either.
In the end, remember this: social media is a tool that can be used for god or bad. Choose to use it for good! Use it in a way that encourages others and brings God glory! You are an influencer, so use your influence for you.
And for those who are feeling hesitant about social media altogether — remember this: social media isn’t for everyone. You don’t have to stay on there if you don’t want to. You have the freedom and liberty to leave anytime you want. If it’s a burden in your life, don’t carry that burden any longer if you don’t have to. Take a break or just choose to leave it altogether. Trust me, you won’t miss anything beyond what you can actually live out in real life.
I’d love to hear from you below!
- How can you use your social media presence to influence others intentionally?
- What would you add to my list of ideas? Share with us below!
For daily encouragement, follow us on social media @girldefined. 🙂