This guy was not necessarily a crush, but I could feel him slowly becoming one. The last time I tried to talk to him we had to go separate ways on our busy college campus, so we didn’t get to finish our conversation. This was going to be different.
After class, I noticed that he intentionally got “delayed” so that we could walk out at the same time. “How cute!” I thought to myself. We had a nice conversation as we walked.
As usual, we were headed in opposite directions, but this time, we didn’t part ways as quickly. We stopped in the middle of a crowded area and continued chatting until we had said all we wanted to say.
He was so kind and warm and seemed to be getting cuter by the minute.
I had a whole day’s worth of classes to attend still, but couldn’t stop thinking about this interaction.
This could be the beginning of a new friendship, or something more.
I dreamed.
Everywhere I went that day, I carried around an extra dose of confidence. I felt invincible. Someone likes me! It doesn’t matter if other people don’t like me. This guy likes me!
I was so happy.
Whenever I looked in the mirror, I would wonder what features he thought were most attractive on me. My mind kicked its imagination up by a thousand notches.
However, in the midst of all of that daydreaming, a question popped into my head that stopped me dead in my tracks.
Why don’t you feel this way all the time?
If I can walk around with excitement and confidence because of one conversation, why did I not feel that way about God? This guy, as great is he might be, is just human. God has so much more to offer me than this one cute guy.
In order to bring my mind and heart back to reality, I had to stop meditate on three truths about God.
1. God Knows Me Deeply.
This guy may have given me five minutes of attention, but God knows me deeply and fully, even before I was born. Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.” God has been paying attention to your smallest details because of His love for us. He knows how many hairs are on our heads (Luke 12:7).
He created me and said I was “very good.” I never have to wonder what feature He likes the most, because He made them all and loves me as He created me.
2. God’s Love is Everlasting.
This guy may have shown me sincere kindness, but God showers me with loving words, truths about my worth, and has backed it up by His action. He made me in His image (Genesis 1:27). God says He will never forget me saying, “Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands” (Isaiah 49:15-16). He assures me that He gives good gifts to His children. He is for my good.
3. Jesus Sacrificed His Life for Me.
This guy may have sacrificed a few minutes to talk to me, but Jesus left His throne in heaven to be human and sacrificed Himself for me so that I could talk to Him. John 1:14 says, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” What a sacrifice! And what a blessing to us!
Jesus died for the world (John 3:16) and He knew that some people would still reject Him. But He died so we could even have the opportunity to accept Him. He gave us the ability to be spared the punishment for our sins through Jesus Christ (John 17:3).
In light of these three truths, I should be beaming with joy everyday because I walk around knowing that the God of the universe loves me.
As nice as it is to receive attention from a cute guy, it won’t last. It can’t offer me lasting fulfillment. It can’t fully satisfy my soul.
Instead of basing my happiness on a cute guy, I should be thrilled at the idea that every day I can get to know God more and can create a stronger relationship with Him.
As Christian girls, we should be constantly thinking of the One who loves us more deeply than anyone else can. That is something to get truly excited about.
For more on this topic, check out this other Girl Defined post titled: When Guys Become More Exciting Than God
I’d love to hear from you in the comment section below.
- Do you struggle with thinking that a guy’s attention is the most important thing?
- What do you love most about God? (Hold onto that thought and think about it often. Philippians 4:8)
This guest post was written by Sophia Otasowie. To submit a guest post to, click here.
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