
Why the Kitchen is Actually an Empowering Place for Women
Ep 173 – Are women bound to a life of misery if they take on this role in the home. Cooking. Cleaning. Caretaking. Sleeping. Wake up. Repeat. Is this brainless work? The home can be either a prison or a gospel flourishing environment. When you create a space for people to build relationships, nourish their […]
Marriage is Not Better than Singleness w/ Madison Rudkin
Ep. 177 – Marriage has been held up as the pinnacle of biblical womanhood. Get married. Have babies. Take care of your family. That all sounds great IF you're married. But, what if you're not married? What if you're single for a season or for a life time? Does that disqualify a woman from glorifying […]
Becoming a Sexually Alive Biblical Woman w/ Jana Faucette
Ep 176 – Many Christian women have completely suppressed their sexuality and are pretending that they aren't sexual in any way. This has created a generation of Christian women who believe their sexuality is more of a curse than a blessing. The switch didn't flip when they got married and sex within marriage is miserable […]
Why Homemaking is a Successful Career Choice for Women
Ep 175 – Choosing to stay home with your kids isn't the most glamorous job. In fact, there aren't promotions, raises, or a paycheck. You won't get an annual company party with other employees celebrating your achievements and patting you on the back. Most often the opposite is true. You're left exhausted by the end […]
5 Lies About Motherhood that Most Christian Women Believe w/ Catherine Segars
Ep. 174 – Motherhood is one of the most beautiful and complicated callings in the world. You'd give your life for your babies and you feel like you're losing your mind at the very same time. That's when the lies enter your mind. It's crucial as Christian women to turn to God's Word for truth […]
Why the Kitchen is Actually an Empowering Place for Women
Ep 173 – Are women bound to a life of misery if they take on this role in the home. Cooking. Cleaning. Caretaking. Sleeping. Wake up. Repeat. Is this brainless work? The home can be either a prison or a gospel flourishing environment. When you create a space for people to build relationships, nourish their […]
From Abandonment, Abuse, and Sex Work to Freedom in Christ.
Ep. 172 – At thirteen, after being abandoned by her mother one summer and left to take care of her younger brother, Harmon becomes susceptible to a relationship that turns out to be toxic, abusive, and ultimately exploitave. She eventually finds herself working in a strip club under the control of a pimp. Ultimately, she […]
The Anxiety Inducing Impact of Social Media on Women
Ep 171 – Imagine wanting to change your entire lifestyle because of what you see on social media. That is the reality for many women. We see. We want. We get anxious because we don't have. We do whatever we can to achieve that lifestyle. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. The anxiety of trying to "measure up" […]