A few summers ago I hosted a simulcast conference at my church. The simulcast was put on by Leslie Ludy over at Set Apart Girl Ministries. As she was speaking she mentioned this idea of “becoming one of the few.”
She said that in every generation there are only a few girls willing to give up their lives for Christ. There are only a few girls who are willing to give up the world’s ideas and follow the Bible’s.
There are only a few girls willing to give up their life plans in exchange for Christ’s plan.
Leslie then asked us if we wanted to be one of the few in our generation.
As I listened I decided that I wanted to be one of the few. I wanted to be one of the girls who gave it all for Christ. But how? What does it take to become one of the few in our generation?
I think it takes a girl who is willing to do these three things:
1. Willing to live a countercultural life.
2. Willing to embrace God’s idea of biblical womanhood.
3. Willing to serve God to the max exactly where He has you right now.
Are you willing to do those three things and become one of the few in your generation?
A friend of mine has chosen to completely embrace those three statements and has truly become one of the few in her generation.
Rachel lives a completely countercultural lifestyle.
She is committed to purity both physically and emotionally. She is serious about taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. She has willingly given up her own desires for the future and instead seeks out God’s plan. She is committed to understanding and living out God’s design for her as a girl.
Rachel is also an incredible example of a girl willing to serve God exactly where He has her. She has chosen to invest in the kids and young ladies in the community and uses her time to point them towards Christ.
In our generation, a girl like Rachel truly is “one of the few.”
Her life is totally different than 99% of girls, even Christian girls, in this generation. Thankfully you have an opportunity right now to make some changes. You don’t have to continue on living life like the other girls around you. You can become like my friend Rachel and be known as a girl who loves God with all of her heart, soul, mind and strength. The choice is yours. Will you be one of the many or one of the few?
“The most beautiful women I’ve ever observed are those that have exchanged a self-focused life for a Christ-focused one. They are confident, but not in themselves. Instead of self-confidence, they radiate with Christ-confidence.” -Leslie Ludy
Make it Personal
If you continue to live the way that you are living right now, will you be known as one of the many or as one of the few?
Are you living according the three points I listed above? Which areas are in need of some change?
What is holding you back from becoming a countercultural girl for Christ?
*Blog from devotional Reaching Beyond Myself written by: Kristen and Bethany