There I was again, bawling my eyes out — stressed, discouraged, and depressed over my school semester, waiting for it all to end. This year, specifically, I felt trapped in an endless abyss of homework, personal problems, and no time for God. 2019 was the year I was asking myself, why?
Why was I struggling with so much discontentment this year? Why was I going through challenging seasons that were excruciatingly uncomfortable this year? Why was I putting my time with the Lord on the back burner because I felt too exhausted and too busy at times to even pick up my Bible this year?
Friend, I think it’s safe to assume that we’ve all been there, asking the why’s. Maybe at different stages in life and through various circumstances, but we’ve all wrestled with something challenging. Maybe this year for you, it was filled with a hard season that you did not expect…nor want.
As this year comes to a close, my prayer is that this New Year brings a change.
Maybe not in our circumstances, but in our hearts and our perspectives.
I want to share three Biblical truths that I have learned this past year, and what I hope to apply to my Christian walk this New Year. This is intended to be more than just a “New Year’s resolution” that we will all break after two weeks. Let’s be real sister — we fail to follow through with them. I know I do. But these 3 Biblical truths are much deeper than the shallow “I want to be a better person” goals. These words should be a covenant made to Jesus, that even though you may be busy or facing new challenges in the New Year, you will intentionally resolve to prioritize your time with Him.
More than a resolution: 3 Ways to Be an Intentional Woman of God this Year
1. Combat
The enemy is always lurking around, enticing us to follow a sin-filled life. The life of ungodliness, discontentment, and fear. I fell into that trap one too many times this year, and I am getting tired of it! I want to intentionally start combating satan’s lies with the truth from God’s word.
Psalm 119:29 beautifully states, “Put false ways far away from me and graciously teach me Your law!” The only way to break free from the chains that may be holding you down is to purposefully fight against them with the Sword of the Spirit. This New Year, let’s purposefully live out His Word and fight against the sin, lies, and fears that have no hold over us!
2. Commitment
So we start off the New Year, making it a priority to combat the enemy’s lies. What happens when the days get busier and or a trial gets more burdensome? Like those famous New Year’s resolutions where we say we will hit the gym every day, yet we lose our commitment to it after a month (more like a week for me). What should we do when we feel weary?
“And let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart” (Gal. 6:9). Keep fighting and don’t give up! Be intentionally committed to Christ and His Word, knowing that He is the most important person whom you could ever lavish your time and attention on. Don’t be swept away with the negative circumstances or the busy seasons. Commit to God and rest in His promises.
3. Contentment
Discontentment. This is the one that got me this year. This year taught me that when I was discontent, feeding into my own self-pity never helped and never will. When you start comparing your life to others and feeling like there is nothing to be joyful about, praise the Lord! Being content is a choice, and a great way to begin is to turn away from all distractions (yes, Instagram, I’m looking at you) and just praise and thank God for His goodness. You will find you have a lot of things to be content about when you do.
1 Timothy 6:6 says, “But godliness with contentment is great gain.” How lovely is that?! Be an intentional woman who values contentment and walks in godliness, for the Lord is right by your side through it all.
God will sufficiently fulfill us this New Year with His grace, mercy, and truth.
May we open our hearts wide to accept it. I hope you will take these 3 truths to heart, and begin to live an intentional life for the Lord this New Year. Let me know what truth you struggled with this year and what you hope to intentionally change in this upcoming one. Comment below!
Lastly, whatever 2020 may bring, know that our Lord and Savior is sovereign. He designed each and every one of us for a special plan and purpose, and may our responses be of obedience to His will.
Guest post written by: Anna Tijerino