Christian guys and non-christian guys seem to be in agreement on one thing: qualities they do not find attractive in girls.
Over the years in talking to my dad, brothers, guy friends and acquaintances, I’ve learned that there are certain qualities that guys do not find attractive or appealing in girls/women. I wanted to confirm what I’ve heard over the years, so I went to the internet and did loads of research.
I scoured blog after blog after blog and what I found seemed to perfectly line up with what I’ve heard in the past. Christian guys and non-christian guys tend to agree on the qualities they find unattractive and frankly “repelling” in girls.
The first unattractive quality seems to be very high up on the “unattractive list” for most Christian guys. Here we go:
1. Nagging
Nag, nag, nag and more nagging. What guy wants to be around a nagging girl? Not any that I’ve ever met. What exactly is nagging? According to the dictionary nagging is: “constantly harassing someone to do something.”
Guys don’t need constant “harassment” and reminders to succeed in life. They are perfectly capable of living in a successful God honoring way without our constant “reminders” and “help.”
The Bible actually warns men not to marry “nagging” women. “It is better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and nagging wife” (Proverbs 21:19).
2. Disrespect
Godly Christian guys do not want to feel belittled, made to look stupid in front of others, be constantly corrected or treated in a way that makes them appear dumb or ignorant. Guys (in general) have a God-given desire and need for respect.
Women absolutely need love, men absolutely need respect. It’s as simple and as complicated as that. -Emerson Eggerichs
If you want to love the guys in your life well, practice respecting them. Not to mention that will be awesome preparation for marriage and an incredible gift to your future husband.
3. Loud and Obnoxious
Confidence and surety can be beautiful qualities in girls, but confidence does not mean “volume.” When the entire restaurant can hear what you are saying it’s probably time to tone it down. Guys from every stage and age of life agreed that loud, obnoxious and boisterous girls are extremely unattractive. These actions are usually seen as the girl trying to draw attention on herself.
This quality was number one on the “unattractive list” for my younger brother. In doing additional research online I’ve found that he is not alone in his feelings.
4. Whiner
There is only one thing worse than a bunch of whiney children, a bunch of whiney women.
“We never get to do anything.”
“You’re always mean to me.”
“Why does everyone else get to have fun except for us?”
“My life stinks.”
“If I only had what you had then I’d be happy.”
On and on the whining goes. Who wants to be around a whiny girl? Not me! It’s annoying, draining, unattractive and a straight up terrible outlook on life. It’s a sign of a girl who needs a major heart makeover.
The Bible never says that “whining” is a positive quality. It actually says quite the opposite, “Pleasant words are a honeycomb, Sweet to the soul and healing to the bones” (Proverbs 16:24)
5. Know It All
The girl who has the answers for everything, she knows it all. She does it all and she doesn’t need a guy. A “know it all” is a girl whose confidence has turned into a serious case of pride and she feels the need to express her opinion to everyone she encounters.
Christian guys appreciate a confident, well grounded, spiritually savvy girl, but not a prideful know it all. We as Christian girls need to maintain a heart of humility and teachability. We do not know everything and we shouldn’t act as if we do.
Why do we care what Christian guys find unattractive?
I didn’t write this blog to give you girls an inside scoop on what guys find unattractive so you can create a plan to catch a man. I wrote this blog because the Christian guys “unattractive list” lined up so perfectly with what the Bible has already clearly stated.
I personally found this list as a helpful reminder and a good kick-in-the-pants. It can be so easy to build ungodly habits that are seriously unattractive and rude to those around us.
I want to challenge you to look through that list of 5 and ask yourself if you are guilty of being a nagging, disrespectful, loud, whining, know it all type of girl.
Be totally honest with yourself and have a willing heart to admit your weakness.
Now is the best time to start making changes. There are countless verses that speak to each one of those negative qualities. Pick your greatest weakness and then google, “Bible verses on nagging.” Or, “Bible verses on Pride.” I guarantee you will find plenty to work with.
Make it personal…
Which of the 5 unattractive qualities do you struggle with the most? Share your thoughts with me below.