I grabbed my computer and headed to my bedroom for some Me Time. I was exhausted from the day’s work and just wanted to “veg” out in front of my computer.
Browsing through Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest was exactly what I thought I needed to rest up for the next day. The hours flew by and I lazily closed my eyes and fell asleep.
I woke up the next day, went through the usual routine, and came home tired and in need of more, you guessed it, Me Time.
Day after day I cherished my Me Time in hopes of feeling energized, rested up and excited about the next day. But for some reason all of my Me Time was only leaving me more exhausted and less excited about the daily routine of life. I was not feeling lasting refreshment like the “experts” claimed it would.
Me Time is Bogus
As much as I selfishly like the idea of Me Time, I’ve realized that it’s not all that it’s cracked up to be.
Here are are 5 reasons why I have decided to ditch the Me Time mentality.
1. Me Time doesn’t refresh.
I did some research about this Me Time mentality and the health and psychology experts are the biggest proponents. They compare Me Time to “recharging your batteries” and encourage women to schedule it like an appointment.
I like the idea of batteries needing to be recharged. I think that’s a great analogy. If we as Christian girls need to recharge and refresh in order to give and live to the fullest, we need to make sure we are plugged into the right charger. Our “batteries” are not going to last very long if they aren’t plugged into the right source.
When you veg out in front of the TV your batteries are not being recharged and refreshed. As a Christian girl your batteries will only recharge to the fullest when you spend time in God’s presence. God is the only one who can completely fill up your tank and give you the long lasting power you need to have excitement and energy for the next day. That is where you will find true refreshment.
2. Me Time leaves you feeling depressed with daily living.
One of the biggest problems with Me Time is that it gives you a terrible perspective on the day-to-day routine. God has given you a specific calling for this season of your life. Whether it’s finishing school, serving your family, watching kids or cooking meals, you can find complete satisfaction and joy in the job that God has given you.
Instead of viewing your daily tasks as a drudgery and something to endure, you can learn to view it as your calling from the Lord and as something you truly can find fulfillment and joy in.
Me Time tempts us as Christians to grudgingly endure the day and dream of our precious alone time.
3. Me Time puts the focus on the wrong person.
If I weren’t a Christian I would be all over this Me Time mentality. But I am a Christian and I have a guide book to live by. Maybe I’m missing it in there, but I haven’t been able to find Me Time in the Bible. When I scan the pages of Jesus’ life I see service and worship. I see Jesus pouring His life into others and then pouring His heart out to God. I see Him going to God for His recharge and strength.
We need to follow His example. Instead of buying into the selfish me, me, me, focus we need to put our focus back on God. When times are hard and living gets rough, don’t have a pity-party and run to get a manicure. Instead do what David did and worship the Lord. Cry out to Him and fill your mind with His Word.
4. Me Time is terrible training for being a wife and mother.
After reading an article by a wife and mother, I am convinced that this Me Time mentality is horrible preparation for the future.
The author of that blog post says that she tried out Me Time only to find herself “stressed and edgy and desperate for more.” She also says “I dreaded going to bed because it meant waking up to children’s needs and a disaster of a house.”
Her conclusion to Me Time was this, “In a moment of clarity, as only the Lord can offer, I saw my behavior for what it truly was: selfishness. Along with this epiphany came the conviction to quit seeking Me Time.”
She closes her article with these words, “Our need for Me Time will fade as we begin to see motherhood as a blessing not to be escaped, but embraced.”
I think that woman offers some invaluable insight. If you can avoid falling into the selfish Me Time mentality as a single girl, avoiding it as a wife and mother will be much easier.
5. You are not owed Me Time.
Whoever declared that you deserve Me Time was very confused. As sinners saved by the grace of God we only deserve one thing, Hell.
We live in a society that is so narcissistic and it encourages us to live out a completely self-focused lifestyle. We need to reject that idea and remember the example Jesus left for us. “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).
Once you learn to live life with an outward focused mindset, the need for Me Time will fade. Satisfaction and refreshment truly can be found in living a poured out lifestyle.
Wrap it up.
I’ll admit I am not a pro at this. I still struggle with wanting Me Time. I’m slowly but surely learning to spend my down time recharging in God’s Word and learning to view my daily duties as a blessing and not a burden.
Let me clarify: I absolutely enjoy peace, quiet and a good conversation with a friend over a cup of coffee, but if I am truly content in my God-given role and current season of life, I no longer cling to those moments as my life savers. I’m learning to view those as blessings not escapes. I’m realizing that I don’t need those moments to survive.
- How have you bought into the Me Time mentality?
- Do you think that it lines up with God’s Word?
- Are you willing to recharge in God’s Word instead of trying to recharge in front of a movie?
- In light of this blog, how can you better prepare for being a wife and mother?
Photo credit: www.flickr.com | Lulumière