Let me clarify from the get go. This is not a post about how great girls are and how rotten guys are. It’s actually quite the opposite. Without guys in the world, none of my five points would matter. I need the male gender to give my five reasons their special touch and uniqueness.
Trust me. I don’t typically sit around my house writing down all of the reasons why I love being a girl. In fact, up until recently I had never thought this topic through.
So why did I start thinking about this?
A few days ago some friends and I were talking when one of them asked me this question: “What is the best thing about being a girl?” Hmmmm… I had never thought about that before.
I gave an answer but I wasn’t done with the question. It has stuck with me over the past few days and I’ve been thinking about it ever since.
In a world where gender differences are not applauded, I think it’s good for us to remember some of these differences in a positive light. God created genders on purpose and for a purpose (Genesis 1:27).
Being a girl is a GOOD thing.
Don’t despise your femaleness and don’t despise a guy’s maleness. Appreciate both and learn to enjoy your God given femininity!
Here are 5 reasons why I personally love being a girl:
1. I love being feminine.
I’m so grateful that God created us distinctly male and female. Masculine and feminine (Mark 10:6). I love the differences between guys and girls. Instead of fighting against our differences, I’ve learned to enjoy and embrace them. I can honestly say I am so grateful that God chose to make me a feminine female.
2. I love beauty.
I love the fact that God created women to be physically beautiful. From our body shapes to our facial features, we as girls are created to be softer, daintier, and more pleasant to the eye. I am a huge fan of inner beauty, but I’m also a fan of enhancing the outer beauty God has given to each one of us girls.
3. I love being girly.
From extra puffy tulle skirts, to sparkly gold flats, I am a girly girl through and through. That doesn’t mean I’m scared to break a nail or get my hands dirty, but I love dressing up and being girly. Sometimes I wish I could zoom back in time and live for a few years in the Andy Griffith days. Getting to dress up in adorable dresses every day just to go to the grocery store is my kind of thing. I love being girly.
4. I love the idea of being Vice President.
God created the man to be the head (President) and the women to be the helper (Vice President). Okay, I know those specific terms aren’t found in the Bible, but I think they help make the point. Everyone knows that the role of the Vice President is huge and the President needs him like crazy. He couldn’t do his job well without him. I love the idea of being my future husband’s Vice President. I am totally on board with God’s design in creating those different roles for the man and woman (Genesis 2:18). God knew what He was doing when He chose us as females to be the helpers. Let’s embrace it.
5. I love pregnancy.
Out of both genders God chose our female gender to sustain, nourish, and birth babies. We as women get to grow a baby inside of us and experience bringing new life into the world. I realize the world is trying to make this a curse instead of a blessing but it’s INCREDIBLE! Getting pregnant, growing a baby, and birthing is a miracle (within the context of marriage of course). We as girls should be so grateful that God chose our gender for that purpose.
I wish I could go on and share the many other wonderful things about being a girl but time is up.
If you only take one thing away from this blog post take this: God intentionally created you as a female on purpose and for a purpose (Genesis 2:22).
Don’t despise your femaleness.
Quit comparing yourself to the male gender and start embracing and appreciating your unique God given qualities and features. Being a female is a huge blessing, but you can turn it into a curse. It’s up to you to decide which you will allow it to be.
I want to challenge you to come up with your own reasons of why you love being a girl.
I’d love to hear what you think! Here are a few questions that might get your brain juices flowing.
- What makes you as a girl distinctly different from guys?
- Do you understand why God created you as a female? If not, check out this (post)
- Do you look forward to being a wife and mother? Why or why not?
I can’t wait to read your answers. Share them with the rest of us in the comments section below.
Photo credit: www.flickr.com | tomokyo-blue