I didn’t want to do it. My summer was busy. I was tired. I didn’t want to plan and lead a summer Bible study. I just wanted to enjoy my summer and focus on hanging with friends and having a good time.
God had a different plan.
One evening, out of the blue, a mom of a sixteen year old girl texted me. She said that her and her daughter had been searching for a summer Bible study and couldn’t find anything. She said her daughter really wanted to do one but was having no success. She then went on to ask me if I would lead one for her daughter and any other girl who wanted to join.
After thinking it over I *grudgingly* said yes.
I invited a few other girls and to my surprise they accepted on the spot. The first night of Bible study came and I was pleasantly surprised. Each of the girls in attendance told me that this Bible study was exactly what they were needing at that point in their life. They expressed such gratitude for me reaching out to them and leading this study.
Sometimes God uses other people to help you get where you need to be.
That’s exactly what He did for me. He used a mom of a teen girl to nudge me so that I would step up and lead. Looking back I’m so glad that I accepted the “nudge.” I grew from the study and I’m confident the other girls did as well.
Today, I want to be the one who “nudges” you.
Sometimes it takes an outsider to give us a little push in the right direction. I am personally challenging you to step up to the plate and lead a summer Bible study. Whether you’ve done it before, or it’s your very first time, I believe this summer could be life changing for you and the girls you invite.
Here are 5 reasons I think you should lead a summer Bible study:
1. You Will Grow in Amazing Ways
When you step up to lead a Bible study, you have to prepare in ways you don’t if you are just an attendee. You have to plan, organize, study, prep, run the discussion time, answer questions, and lead prayer. It really forces you to dig deeply into God’s Word. Not to mention you are usually pushed outside of your comfort zone and forced to do things you may not normally do. It’s stretching in a really good way!
When I’ve lead Bible studies in the past they have proved to be some of the most spiritually encouraging times in my life. I highly recommend doing it.
2. You Will Encourage and Bless Those Around You
Leading a Bible study is an incredible way to invest into those around you. There are so many young women dying for a great group of girls to study God’s Word with. They just need someone to step up and organize the study. How cool that you can be used by God to point others to Him. How cool that a girl’s life could be forever changed because you were a willing vessel.
3. It’s Not as Intimidating as You Think
Organizing and leading a summer Bible study is not as intimidating as you might think. There are so many complete Bible studies, with amazing leader guides, study guides and videos that are readily available. You don’t have to come up with content, think of questions, or do anything scary. You simply have to facilitate and lead the girls through the questions.
4. You Will Build Friendships With Solid Girls
Solid friendships with other Christian girls is a huge blessing. If you lack solid girl friends, or want to go deeper with your current girl friends, doing a Bible study is the best way to deepen (and build) those friendships. There is something bonding about discussing the Bible and sharing between a group of girls.
5. Girl Defined Will Help You With Everything
This summer is extra special to the two of us and we think it can be extra special for you as well. For the first time ever Kristen and I are going to lead an 8 week summer study through our brand new book, Girl Defined: God’s Radical Design for Beauty, Femininity and Identity.
The study will be 100% online which means you, and your group of girls, can use the online live videos as your guide through the book. We will do the leading, you just have to facilitate. How much easier can it get?
- Will you accept the challenge?
- Will you step outside of your comfort zone and lead a summer study?
- What’s keeping you from doing this?
P.S. You can snatch your very own copy of our brand new book here!