Goal #1: Have a Joyful Attitude
It’s so easy to get bent out of shape about silly things on Christmas Day. Instead of allowing those disappointments to dictate your actions and attitudes, choose to have a joyful attitude. Choose to be grateful instead of upset, and joy will be a natural overflow.
Goal #2: Focus on Others
My day, my gifts, my traditions, my plans — my, my, my! It’s so easy to get bogged down with self-centered thoughts on Christmas Day. We all know that there is no true joy in living to please ourselves. Instead of focusing on your desires on Christmas day, look for ways to bless, serve, and give to others.
Goal #3: Be Flexible
Flexibility can be hard for many of us on Christmas day. Our prayer for each one of us this year is that we would be flexible and easy going when it comes to Christmas day. When things don’t go your way, or the plans are suddenly changed to a less desirable option, choose to be flexible.
Goal #4: Love Your Siblings
If God has you in a family with siblings, one of the best gifts you can give them this Christmas is the gift of love. As simple as this sounds, our family members are often the people we neglect the most. Put your phone down, turn your social media off, and take time to invest in your siblings. Talk to them. Play a game with them. Build traditions with them. Love your siblings well on Christmas day.
Goal #5: Give More than Just Gifts
Giving gifts isn’t the only type of giving we should be doing on Christmas day. The true and genuine heart of a giver will be revealed by the way we give our time, energy, attention, interest, and service. Choose to be a generous giver this year. Go out of your way to ask other people questions, serve in the kitchen, clean up the messes, and simply jump in wherever help is needed.
We pray you’ll apply these 5 simple goals to your Christmas day this year.
Let’s be intentional to get the focus off ourselves and onto others. These goals will help to remind each one of us of what Christmas is really all about — Jesus.
If you’ve been blessed and encouraged by Kristen and Bethany at Girl Defined Ministries, would you consider giving a year-end donation? Our year-end ministry need is $30,000. To contribute, please click here.