The summer is almost over which means the beginning of the new school year is lurking right around the corner. You can tell it’s the end of summer because every store is advertising their back-to-school gear and accessories.
For some of you this is an exciting time of new beginnings and a fresh start. For others, it’s a dreaded time of tests, peer pressure, and waking up at the crack of dawn.
Whatever your school year may look like, there’s one thing it has in common with everyone else’s – a little thing called sneaky temptations.
The buzz of a new school year is always accompanied by a buzz of new temptations and struggles.
Whether you will attend a public school, private school, or will be home educated this fall, there’s temptation out there for you.
For some of you it’s the struggle of wanting to fit in with the cool group. You’re already feeling the pressure to look your best and be decked out in the latest fashion. For others it’s the unknown of having to meet new people and start a new grade. And for others, it might be the trial of waking up each morning and staying motivated while doing your school at home.
No matter what your fear or trial may be this fall, one thing is for sure, you will be tested.
Temptations come in all shapes and sizes. This fall, you may likely be tempted to…
- Give into the pressure to wear “less clothes,” or to look “hot and sexy.”
- Act a certain way to get guys to notice you.
- Join a certain school group just so people will think you’re cool.
- Hide the fact that you’re a Christian so you can fit in more.
- Give into peer pressure from Christian or non-Christian friends to do something immoral.
- Weaken your standards and go to a bad party just to look cool.
- Cheat on a test because everyone else is.
- Complain every morning when your alarm clock goes off.
- Procrastinate on your work instead of being an example of diligence and hard work.
The list of possible temptations goes on and on (and on).
Our greatest enemy is Satan, and he doesn’t want any of us to be successful in glorifying God this fall. He wants to trap us in our insecurities and struggles. He wants to destroy our testimony for Christ.
Here are a few practical ways you can fight the enemy this school year:
1. Stay plugged into God’s word on a daily basis.
The Bible is a must because it gives us the spiritual food we need. Without it, we starve. We are left weak and vulnerable because we’re not staying “charged up” on our power source.
2. Pray every morning.
Pray and ask God to give you strength to overcome any temptations you may face that day. Prayer works! Asking God for strength, wisdom, and discernment will make a huge difference in your life.
3. Find some accountability.
Ask your parents, a mature Christian friend, or a wise woman at church to hold you accountable for your areas of temptation and struggle. Ask her to pray for you every day.
4. Avoid certain friend groups.
You’ll need to make a conscience choice to avoid hanging around certain people and groups this fall. Just because someone says they’re a Christian doesn’t mean they’re a “practicing” Christian. Bad influences and negative peer pressure are usually the number one thing that will drag you down.
5. Memorize helpful verses.
Helpful Scripture verses are key to your success. Every temptation or struggle begins as a thought. You need to arm yourself with weapons of truth to combat the lies when they pop into your head. Attack the temptation before it has time grow.
Remember, “…in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us” (Romans 8:37). There is nothing too big in your life that Christ cannot help you overcome; but you must do your part.
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil” (Ephesians 6:10).
Start your school year off right this time by preparing for the battles ahead.
Make it a habit now (before you get super busy) to work on the five practical steps from above. As author Timothy Lane says so well,
“Knowing Jesus better will lead you to live a vigilant, hopeful life as you face temptations every day. Genuine fighting of temptations happens as you take your eyes off yourself and readjust your gaze on Jesus and what he has done and is doing on your behalf.”
God is on your side.
He can and will help be a strong witness for Him this fall if you seek His strength.
- What kind of temptations do you think you’ll face this fall?
- What is the hardest thing you will face this fall?
- How can we, and other Christian girls on this blog, pray for you this fall?
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