Does boy craziness seem so . . . junior high? You might be surprised. Take the Boy-Crazy Quiz to find out where your focus is.
Simply answer yes or no to the following fourteen questions. I’m going to make a quick cup of chai while you’re working on it. See you in a few!
- In a room full of people, do you always know where “he” is? (yes/no)
- Are boys your number-one favorite topic of conversation with your friends? (yes/no)
- Do you often dress to catch a guy’s attention? (yes/no)
- Do you replace one crush with another almost as soon as you realize the first relationship is not going anywhere? (yes/no)
- Have you asked a guy out? (yes/no)
- Do you have your eye on more than one guy at a time? (yes/no)
- Do you believe you’d finally be completely happy if you had a boyfriend? (yes/no)
- Do you change your schedule or plans in order to bump into him? (yes/no)
- Do you tend to have more guy friends than girlfriends? (yes/no)
- When you’re relaxing with a good book, movie, or song, do you pick those that are filled with ooey-gooey romance? (yes/no)
- If you journal or pray, are your pages or prayers filled with thoughts and requests about guys? (yes/no)
- Are you always trying to figure out which guys like you? (yes/no)
- Would you be willing to get a total makeover for a guy? Not the hair, make-up, and new-clothes kind, but the “I’ll change who I am at my core if that’s what it takes to get you” kind? (yes/no)
- Anything I’ve missed? If so, write it below.
If you answered yes to any, several, or all of these questions, then Confessions of a Boy-Crazy Girl: On Her Journey from Neediness to Freedom is for you.
Leave a comment below by Monday, October 20, and let me know what you learned from taking this quiz for a chance to win a free copy!
Paula’s Bio:
Paula Hendricks lives in southwest Michigan where she no longer tries to catch guys’ attention by swallowing live goldfish, arm wrestling, and jumping down flights of stairs. Instead, she blogs for teen girls and women by day and journals her adventures by night. Her first book, Confessions of a Boy-Crazy Girl: On Her Journey from Neediness to Freedom, released September 2013.
Photo credit: www.flickr.com | vwynx