I walked down to the school bus stop and waited to pick up the kids I was nannying. I noticed there was a new girl waiting to pick up kids as well. I introduced myself and found out she was from Europe and worked directly across the street from me also as a nanny.
Sara and I soon built a sweet friendship. I introduced her to my family, and she became a regular guest in our house. She was even invited to spend Christmas with us!
A Big Opportunity
As time went on, I realized that Sara did not believe in Jesus as her personal Savior.
Sara didn’t know what was going to happen to her after she died, but hoped that her good works would pull through “if” there was a heaven.
The months ticked away, and I slowly incorporated more and more spiritual conversations. I shared my testimony with her as well as that of my parents’ (they became Christians as adults, which Sara could relate to).
She was very interested in what I was saying but didn’t fully realize how important the gospel was for her personally. I knew I needed to be straight up with her and explain to her that she was on her way to hell. I needed to show her what the Bible said about sin and show her that Jesus loved her so much that He died to save her from an eternity separated from Him.
I was nervous. How was I going to bring up that conversation?
The day arrived, and the Holy Spirit gave me the strength to share with Sara. I brought the kids across the street to her house and made sure they were entertained and distracted. Sara and I made some coffee and then I told her I had a gift for her to remember me by.
She opened up the gift—a Bible with her name printed on the front. She was twenty-three and had never owned a Bible. She loved having her very own book in English. I had her open up the Bible and then took her to John 3:16. I had her read the verse and insert her name wherever it said “world.”
It went like this, “For God so loved Sara that He gave His one and only Son, that if Sara believes in Him Sara will not perish but Sara will have everlasting life.”
Although Sara didn’t accept Jesus right then, she took the Bible and promised to read the passages I marked. Sara went back to Europe with her Bible in hand and a new understanding of her need for Jesus.
Sara just recently messaged me and told me, “I’m still reading the Bible you gave me.” Although I can’t hang out with her because we’re oceans apart, I can still pray for her salvation.
Don’t Waste the Moment
I wish I could say I’ve been faithful to share the gospel in every new friend situation, but I haven’t. I’ve let my pride and nerves get in the way and totally ignored the topic. I’ve been scared of what the person would think, I’ve been nervous I wouldn’t explain it right, and I’ve been more concerned about looking good in the person’s eyes rather than in God’s.
You’ll most likely have your own “Sara” this coming school year—someone who doesn’t believe in Jesus as her Savior. Maybe it’s a girl from school, a sports team, work, your neighborhood, or even youth group.
The question isn’t “Will I meet an unsaved girl?” but “What will I do when I meet her?”
When you meet that new girl at school or at work, what will you do with the opportunity? Will you build a friendship and lovingly bring up spiritual topics? Will you care more about her eternal destination than looking cool in her eyes? Will you love her enough to share the BEST news in the entire world with her? Will you boldly and lovingly explain her current sinful condition and help her see her need for a Savior?
Every person you come in contact with is an eternal being who will spend ALL of forever in either heaven or hell. Don’t shove that fact under the rug. Love the people you come in contact with enough to explain that to them.
I love this quote by Ravi Zacharias:
Outside of the cross of Jesus Christ, there is no hope in this world. That cross and resurrection at the core of the Gospel is the only hope for humanity. Wherever you go, ask God for wisdom on how to get that Gospel in, even in the toughest situations of life.
A Bigger Vision
I want to challenge you to have a bigger vision for the start of this school year. Are you willing to love your friends enough to do these three things?
- Bring up spiritual conversations.
- Pray for an opportunity to share the gospel.
- Share the gospel with one unsaved friend.
Let me know if you’re brave enough to accept the challenge and do these three things. Leave a comment below if you would like join me in having a bigger and better vision for this school year.
Photo credit: www.flickr.com | lanuiop