There’s a message that has been on my heart for awhile. Actually it’s more like a passion. This passion is the very reason Kristen and I launched this blog. It’s the reason we publish three posts a week and update our social media sites daily.
This passion is what keeps the fire burning.
When I look around and see the direction that most young women (even Christian women) are headed, I see the need. I see the need for a better answer. I see the need for young women to make better choices. I see the need for a better outcome.
I’m saddened by the skyrocketing numbers of women experiencing unnecessary insecurity, depression, heartache, pain and confusion. I see young women going to church and putting knowledge in their head, but not translating it into action. I see Christian girls professing to believe in the Bible, but doing very little to implement its teachings.
And that is where my passion for truth kicks in.
I want young women (like you) to know that God’s ways are soooooo much better than our culture’s. I want you to know that if you apply His truths to your life, you will reap a much more satisfying outcome. You don’t have to experience all of the struggles stated above. God has answers in the Bible that truly have the power to change your life for the better.
Unfortunately, a lot of modern Christians disagree with that mindset. Kristen and I have received several e-mails and comments from guys and girls warning us of how dangerous our ministry is to young women.
They say our message is hurting young women and making things even harder on them. They say when we promote purity, we are only shaming young women and making them feel worse for the bad decisions they’ve made. They say that young women would be way better off if we would stop challenging and just love.
Young women are struggling more than ever before and I believe it’s because of that mindset.
Yes we need love, but we also need practical help and guidance. Yes, we need grace, but we also need life changing truth. Life is hard and confusing. Without down-to-earth help on how to apply Scriptures to our everyday decisions, we as young women will be lost.
I want each of you reading this blog post to know that Kristen and I care about you so much. We want so much more for you than what the culture is offering. We want the outcome of your life to be satisfying and impactful. We want you to rise above the shallow lifestyle our culture encourages you to pursue.
That is the reason we take the Bible seriously. That is why we talk about purity, modesty, music, movies, guys, relationships and many other practical topics.
We know that if you can conform those areas of your life to God’s Word, you will rise above the struggles that most young women are dealing with today.
I recently heard a quote by Max Lucado that really hit home with me. He said,
“God loves you just the way you are, but He refuses to leave you that way. He wants you to be just like Jesus.”
Yes, God does love you so much. Yes, He does offer unending grace and forgiveness. Yes, He cares about you so much that He sent His son, Jesus, to die for you. He desires to spend eternity with you. And He wants you to be just like His son.
God desires that each one of us continually conform our lives to the image of Christ.
If you, as a Christian girl, want better results in life, you need to take God’s Word seriously. You need to apply His truths to your life. Don’t do it out of dread, but out of a love for Jesus and a desire to glorify Him.
With Resurrection Sunday just around the corner, now is the perfect time to refocus on what Jesus did for you. If you’ve never accepted Him as your Savior, now would be a great time to do that. We would love to answer any questions you may have. You can e-mail us here.
For those of you who have already accepted Jesus as your Savior, I want you to think about this verse.
As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts which were yours in your ignorance, but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; because it is written, “YOU SHALL BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY” (1 Peter 1:14-16 Emphasis added).
Let’s not be ignorant young women who stay in our lost ways.
Let’s look at our Savior and (by His strength) become like Him. Let’s take every aspect of our lives seriously and strive to conform more and more to His image.
Let’s talk about it…
- Do you take God’s Word seriously? If so, how?
- In what ways do you practically apply Philippians 4:8 to your daily choices?
- What specific areas of your life do you need to work on?
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