A few years ago I would have been shocked by some of the fashion trends currently taking over the clothing stores. Although it still saddens me, it doesn’t quite shock me like it used to. Extreme Immodesty has become our norm.
Ultra mini shorts. Tiny crop tops. Sheer shirts. Practically painted on pants. This is the new norm.
The standard for modesty is being lowered further and further and we as Christian girls are being faced with immense pressure to give in. I know that this is not new news to you. You see the stores. You see the way girls are dressings. You feel the pressure. You know exactly what I’m talking about.
I just want you to know that I see it too and I get it. I see that the standard is being lowered. I feel the pressure to slowly give in. I know what you, as a Christian girl trying to dress modestly, are facing.
I’m here to offer you some words of hope and encouragement.
Just because the standards for modesty and decency are extremely low, we as Christian girls, don’t have to give in. We can stand strong in our convictions and continue to embrace purity. Although there aren’t many of us, we aren’t alone. We have each other.
With summer quickly approaching, we need to prepare our minds, hearts and closets in order to stand strong…and covered.
I want to share with you a few personal tips that help me embrace modesty throughout the hot summer months.
1. Dressing modestly requires sacrifice.
Modesty isn’t always easy. Modesty takes sacrifice. You have to acknowledge that dressing modestly makes shopping a little bit harder. You also need to acknowledge that modesty isn’t always the most weather friendly option. When it’s one-hundred and something degrees outside, it’s not easy to stay covered. Modesty may require that you forgo some of the latest fashion trends and styles.
I could list other ways that modesty requires sacrifice but I think you get the idea. I want you to approach this summer with a realistic perspective. Prepare yourself ahead of time for what modesty might require of you and then joyfully deal with it when the time comes.
Romans 12:1 encourages us to live with this perspective and I think it’s a great reminder in the area of modesty. “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.”
2. Dressing modestly may take extra creativity.
Modesty becomes a lot easier when you use creativity. Think outside the box and try to figure out ways to make dressing modestly easier. Instead of waiting until summer is in full swing, why not start planning outfits and working on pieces now. I encourage you to start working on your wardrobe and figuring out new ways to wear old clothes. You can check out my video Project Modesty for some fun ways to get creative with your clothing.
3. Dressing modestly isn’t about you.
When I have a “me, me, me” mindset, modesty is very difficult. When I remember that dressing modestly is first and foremost to honor Jesus, it becomes a lot easier. I really encourage you to remain humble in this area. As Christians our first priority is always to glorify Christ and point others to Him. If you are struggling in the area of modesty, I encourage you to spend some time getting your heart right before God. Pray and ask God to give you a humble attitude and a desire to honor Him with your clothing.
I want you to know that we are in this together!
I am striving to dress modestly throughout the hot summer months and I’m inviting you to join me. We don’t have to do this alone. We can link arms, encourage each other along the way and strive to honor Christ to the best of our ability.
I want to hear your thoughts now. How do you embrace modesty throughout the hot summer months? Do you have any tips or tricks you can share with the rest of us?