If you had the choice which girl would you choose to be?
Girl #1 Shannon
Shannon grew up in church, was raised by Christian parents, attended youth group on a weekly basis and even went on short-term missions trips. As Shannon grew older she became very self-conscious and desired to be loved and accepted by those around her. Instead of turning to God’s Word to discover her value in God’s eyes, Shannon turned to the culture.
She slowly but surely bought into the lie that beauty, a good looking body and attention from guys was the key to happiness. Shannon’s life soon became an out-of-control mess as she strived to find worth and value in all of the wrong places. Anti-depressants and secular counseling have become the norm for Shannon. Happiness, peace and joy are not the characteristics you will find in this girl.
Girl #2 Michelle
Michelle grew up in a “Christian” home. Verbal abuse, neglect and anger were the common themes Michelle experienced. One day Michelle did something so radical that it rocked her world. She decided to give her life to Christ and trust and obey God’s Word. She was a “reader and applier.” She didn’t just read the Bible she actually lived it out. She trusted that God’s ways truly were best and she chose to obey them.
Michelle’s personal attitude is marked by sweetness, joy, happiness, gratitude and spiritual excitement. She has a love for God and for others like no one else. Despite her circumstances growing up, Michelle has grown up to be a beautiful, godly young woman. She is confident that her worth and value come from God. She doesn’t feel the need to chase after guys for attention. She has a true confidence and security that can only be found in Christ.
The choice is yours.
Hands down I would choose to be Michelle. I don’t want a life of chasing guys, depression and insecurity like Shannon. I want to be confident, godly, loving and secure like Michelle.
How do we as girls grow into that kind of woman? How do we avoid the outcome of Shannon? How do we get the confidence, joy, security and peace like Michelle?
Michelle isn’t a rockstar or superhuman girl. She is just a regular young lady that has stumbled across three life changing secrets.
These three truths are what set Michelle apart. These truths have helped her to avoid the outcome of Shannon’s lifestyle and live a God glorifying life instead.
If you as a young lady understand and live these truths out, you to can have the confidence, security and inner beauty that Michelle has.
Three secrets that transformed Michelle:
1. She knows her Savior and trusts His Word.
Michelle doesn’t just “know about her Savior” she actually spends time with Him and trusts His Word as truth. She actually believes verses like this one…
Psalm 139:13-14 “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
She believes…
- It’s up to her creator to decide what makes her valuable.
- The culture has no authority to decide what gives her value.
- She has no authority to give herself value.
- God is her Creator and HE gives her her worth.
Imagine the impact this verse could have on your own life if you actually believed it and live out its truth. Wow! No more believing the lie that you have to be “beautiful” to be valuable. What a relief.
2. She realizes that true lasting beauty is what’s on the inside.
Michelle takes more time to cultivate inward beauty rather than outward. She focuses the best hours of her days on what God says is most important.
Proverbs 31:30 “Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.”
1 Samuel 16:7 “The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”
She believes…
- Outward Beauty does not last.
- A Woman who loves and serves the Lord is to be praised.
- God looks at her heart.
When you truly believe these verses you no longer have to chase after guys, fight for attention, or strive to be the most beautiful. Your priorities shift from trying to please others, to trying to please God.
3. She understands that she is a daughter of the King.
Michelle believes she is valuable because of who God is not because of who she is. She finds her worth in who Christ is as the king of the universe.
Galatians 3:26-27 “So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, For you are all sons [and daughters] of God through faith in Christ Jesus.”
She believes…
- God is the King of the universe.
- She is His daughter.
- She is His princess.
- Daughter of the King of Kings.
Michelle doesn’t find her value in what others think about her but in what God thinks about her. God says she is His child. Imagine the confidence Michelle can have because of who her God is. The King of the universe.
Living out the three secrets.
Girls, I really want to challenge you to think through those three secrets. Don’t just scan through them and then move on with your day. Take the time to think them through and pray over them. Ask God to help you apply them to your own life.
Michelle and Shannon both grew up hearing the truth but only one chose to apply it. Will you wisely apply the truth like Michelle did? If you truly want an outcome like hers you will have to get serious about those three key points.
- How can you start applying those three secrets to your life today?
- What can you do to avoid the outcome of Shannon?
- How can you become a godly woman like Michelle starting today?
Photo Credit: www.flickr.com | Micah Camara