When I was about 7 or 8 years old my parents made a huge decision in our house. They disconnected our TV and took away our main source of entertainment! How could they be so cruel to take away the box that we sat in front of for hours and hours and hours and hours…you get the point. 😉 Actually, I am extremely grateful they made the decision to remove TV from our house and I can honestly say I don’t miss it and pray I never will! There are many topics we could discuss about the TV and media, but I am going to focus on the time aspect.
- How many hours of media do you indulge in every week?
- How many hours of God’s Word do you indulge in every week?
Girls, even though I don’t have TV, I still struggle to make God’s Word a priority and constantly have to reevaluate my time, making sure I spend time with God in His Word every single day. There are so many things in the media that are screaming for our attention. Besides the TV, we have movies, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, online magazines, fashion sites, gaming sites and so much more! I am lumping them all together as “media” for this blog 😉
If you and I added all of the time we spent indulging in media, I wonder how many hours a week it would be. We all need to think more seriously about what we are spending our time on. Have we lost our eternal mindset? What is our purpose on earth anyway?
Remember that we are eternal human beings. Every one of us will be blessed for what we have done with our very short life span for the Lord here on earth…
“You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes” James 4:14
Wow, God says that our lives are like a mist that appear for a little while and then vanish! With such a short time here on earth we need to use the time we do have for things that would honor and please God. I know God gave us the Bible as a personal letter from Him, giving us instruction, wisdom and guidance. Have you spent time studying the Word and learning what God has to say? Do you desire to get to know God through His Word?
It’s a fresh new year and there is time to change your media habits now. Don’t let Satan use media to waste your life away. Every minute of your life is a gift from God and we should use it all wisely. What will you do with the time God has given you?
“We should live as if each minute counts – because it really does.” gotquestions.org
Photo credit: freedigitalphotos.net – Ambro