![What Gorgeous Hair, Perfect Legs, and Long Eyelashes Can’t Get You](https://girldefined.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/what-hair-legs-and-eyelashes-cant-get-you-GirlDefined.com_.jpg)
We’ve all seen those girls. The “perfect” ones. They have it all going for them. Perfect hair, flawless legs, long eyelashes, and a skinny waist. They seem to have it all. Right?
Without even realizing it, we compare ourselves to them and instantly feel ugly. We instantly feel dissatisfied and ungrateful for our bodies.
I know exactly how this game works because I’ve played it many times myself.
You want to know what’s really crazy about this though? As we look at these “perfect girls” and compare ourselves to them, guess what? They’re doing the exact same thing about their bodies too. It’s hard to believe, but it’s true.
In an interview with some famous supermodels, each one of them confessed that they were insecure about their own bodies.
Girls, what does this tell us about those “perfect” girls? It tells us that gorgeous hair, perfect legs, and long eyelashes can’t give us what we really want. If being drop dead gorgeous was the answer to happiness…why are so many gorgeous girls unhappy?
One of the best examples of this I’ve seen is in the life of Marilyn Monroe. As a woman who had it ALL, she still committed suicide at the young age of 36. That is why we chose to use her story in our new Girl Defined Book Trailer Video.
As I’ve studied the life of this beautiful and famous woman, I can’t help but ask the questions, “Why would a woman who had everything still commit suicide?” “Why wasn’t the fame, beauty, money, and guys enough to satisfy her?”
Sadly, not many people stop to ask these tough questions about Marilyn’s tragic life.
Instead of questioning her fruitless quest for happiness, many of us follow right in her footsteps.
Like Marilyn, millions of modern girls are chasing after happiness and satisfaction down the same dead end road. Without even realizing it, many of us have bought into our culture’s popular lies about beauty, femininity, and identity.
In chapter three of Girl Defined, we refer to these crafty lies as “counterfeit femininity.” As Christian girls, many of us buy into the lies that to be worth anything we need to be pretty, sexy, smart, athletic, skinny, wealthy, popular, etc.
We believe the lie that our worth as a female is based on our beauty and on our personal accomplishments.
That’s right where Marilyn went wrong, and it’s right where many of us go wrong as well. “The moment we allow culture to define our womanhood is the moment we take our first wrong turn.” –Girl Defined
Whether or not you have the most gorgeous hair, perfect legs, or longest lashes on the planet, if you define your womanhood on anything other than God’s timeless Word, you will always feel empty inside. You will forever struggle with feelings of worthlessness and depression until you turn to the only One who has the power to fill your void.
True worth, identity and satisfaction cannot be found outside of God’s beautiful design for us as females.
And that’s where the BEST news comes into play: Our status of worthiness has nothing to do with us and everything to do with God.
No matter how famous and pretty a girl is, or how poor and unattractive she is, her worth and
value are found in the same place. Our worth doesn’t come from anything we can do, but from everything Christ already did for us. If you’re a Christian, God calls you a child of God. And because you’re a child of God, He looks at you and sees royalty. You are a daughter of the most high king…and that makes you a princess.
Psalm 139:13-14 says, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
Not only are you a child of the King, God was knitting you together in your mom’s womb to look just the way you are.
Just like an artist creating a masterpiece, God handcrafted your hair color, eye color, skin tone, height, nose shape, ears, and body to look just the way He wanted it to.
Our culture may not consider you to be very special, but God does. And He’s the only One who owns the right to say how worthy you are.
If Marilyn Monroe had understood these truths, her life probably would have ended very differently. The secret to true happiness in this world is to keep your eyes and heart on THE Truth. The minute you look to someone or something other than Christ to define your worth and identity, you will go downhill. It’s a guarantee.
Keep your mind filled with what God’s truth and ignore the ever changing standards of our culture.
I can’t encourage you enough to learn more about God’s beautiful design for womanhood! I hope you’ll grab a copy of our new book and continue discovering God’s amazing design for your life as a female!
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic as well as any additional insights you have.
Please share whatever is on your heart and mind in the comment section below!
- Who or what are you allowing to define your worth and value?
- Do you truly view yourself as a daughter of the King?
Photo Credit: Here