It seems like every girl has questions in the back of her mind that she just wishes she could ask a godly guy. Questions that would give her as close to a “guy’s perspective on life” as she could get.
We are so glad to inform you that this post is exactly that!
We had the opportunity to have three young ladies brainstorm and come up with a few questions that they would ask a guy, if given the opportunity. Their questions are in bold below.
We took those questions and sent them on over to our guy blogger, Beecher, and had him answer the questions from his perspective.
We hope his answers will give you a little bit of insight into what a godly guy might think about these topics.
Let’s go!
Question 1
“How ready do you expect your wife to be before you get married? Practically I feel ready but how spiritually ready do you expect me to be?”
Kevin DeYoung, a favorite author of mine, once wrote something to this effect: “You will very likely never feel ready for anything. But you’ll never go anywhere if you don’t take that first step of uncertainty.” What I’m looking for is a girl who is simply spending consistent time in God’s word and growing in love and knowledge of God. I know that during our relationship we’ll both be doing a LOT of growing, but I’m NOT expecting her to be a saint before we’re married (or even after!).
Question 2
“What are you expecting physically? What if I feel overweight? Do you expect me to workout and be thin?”
Taking care of yourself physically translates over into so many other areas of life. Winston Churchill’s dad once told him “without the help of the body, the mind cannot go as far as it should.” So exercising physically does, I believe, show responsibility.
The American “ideal body” seen on newsstands is a fictitious image which no girl can truly measure up to. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that, but it’s something both guys and girls need to keep in mind. One of the most important verses in the Bible, especially in our day and age of airbrushed “beauties” and fake bodies, is Proverbs 31:30. “Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”
Question 3
“What are your thoughts on hair dye and makeup? Are you okay with my trying out different styles and fashions?”
Absolutely! I personally love creativity and have no problem with a girl changing up some things. Of course I have my preferences (e.g. hair color – I’m not big on green or pink hair) but if we’re in a relationship that’s just something we’ll have to talk through. Oh, and I have nothing against makeup – If you want to wear it, by all means apply that powder and put on your lipstick!
Question 4
“What are deal breakers for you? Do we have to agree completely?”
To be honest, there’s one thing first and foremost in my mind when I’m wondering about a certain girl: “does she love the Lord with all her heart, soul, mind and strength?” That’s it. Because that’s 100% the most important thing.
Wholeheartedly I believe that no two people will ever agree completely in life. We all have our little quirks and preferences which make us one-of-a-kind. I do believe that we must be able to agree to disagree on some issues. There will be other issues which will arise that we will probably want to work out an agreement about, and then there are some issues which we will agree about right off. But no, we certainly don’t have to agree completely.
Question 5
“Do you think purity rings are a turn off to guys because it looks like your taken?”
I’ve never been turned off by a purity ring. If I’m interested in a relationship with a girl (don’t tell anyone – this is a guy’s secret) I’ll get my sister or a friend to scope out the scene and find out if there’s already something going on between this girl and a guy. Go ahead and wear the ring – a guy who’s really interested will take the time and initiative to find out if you’re available.
Photo credit: www.flickr.com | hjl