*Disclaimer: To those of you who hate and fear bugs, please brave your fear and continue reading.
Lucy the ladybug has a pretty good life. Lots to eat, wings she can use to fly, and a colorful outfit to boot.
But one day Lucy sees Doris the doodlebug. Doris’s whole life is a party – lots of friends, great food, surrounded by guy doodlebugs, and wearing the newest style. Doris is living the dream.
Lucy envies Doris. Pretty soon she starts using the words Doris uses, crawling like Doris, and eating the same things as Doris. But no matter how hard Lucy tries, she still sticks out like a sore thumb. Why?
Because Lucy isn’t embracing the design God gave her! She’s trying to be something God never intended her to be.
Our story above is one you’ll probably laugh about as a silly little tale.
But it’s really an illustration of the problem many Christians face today: trying to blend in with the world.
It’s hard not to do everything that the world does; carry ourselves like the world, dress like the world, flaunt our bodies like the world. Why wouldn’t we do that? It helps get us in with the “cool crowd” and attract guys’ (and girls’) attention right?
But you and I weren’t called to be like the world.
We were called to change the world, not to let the world negatively influence us. Check out this verse from Galatians 5:19, 21.
“Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry … I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such thing will not inherit the kingdom of God …”
Blending in will never make you different. You were created by God for a purpose (Psalm 57:2) and that purpose was not to simply look and act like the crowds. Your purpose is to give God glory through your life.
So ask yourself: Is blending in with the world giving God glory?
For example, tonight, when millions of people celebrate Halloween, are you going to blend in or are you going to stand out (whether that means wearing a different costume than the one you had chosen, choosing to attend a “Fall party” instead of trick-or-treating, or giving out tracts to the kids who come to your door)?
Let me give it to you from my perspective as a Christian guy.
A girl who doesn’t flaunt her body like the world stands out. In a good way. I know a lot of girls who are super fashionable, yet modest, and people constantly do double takes. Being “different” really isn’t a bad thing. In fact, people may even ask you why you act and/or dress differently than others which then gives you the opportunity to share the Gospel!.
I’m going to make a bold statement: modesty is captivating.
When I see a girl who knows she’s been given her body as a gift and isn’t try to show as much skin as she can, I’m impressed. That kind of girl knows who she is in Christ, and isn’t trying to draw superfluous attention by wearing a minimal amount of clothing.
The world will never love you if you live for Jesus (John 15:19). But by living for him and embracing who HE meant for you to be, you are a testimony to others. And you will inspire others to live for Jesus as well.
Don’t attempt to be a doodlebug when you were designed to be a ladybug!
You were created to be different.
I just have two questions for you.
- Are you trying to be like the world when you’re called to be like Jesus?
- What’s one thing that might be drawing your love away from Jesus, and are you willing to give it up?
Photo Credit: www.flickr.com | Lucija Tatarević