I was at a wedding recently and noticed how beautiful the bride’s wedding cake was. It not only looked good but it tasted really good too. The cake didn’t start out that way though.
The day before the wedding it was nothing more than a pile of flour, sugar, eggs, butter, etc. In order to get the amazing end result that was displayed at the wedding reception someone had to carefully follow the directions on the recipe.
If anything was left out, or if too much of one ingredient was added, the cake would have been a flop.
Real life works the same way.
As a Christian girl, you are putting certain ingredients into your life on a daily basis. You see the older, godlier women and hope you’ll turn out like them someday.
But are you using the right ingredients to get there? Are you following God’s recipe for a godly and successful girl? Or, are you filling your heart and mind with worldly ingredients?
When I was younger, a lady told my mom that she wanted her daughter to turn out just like me someday. As the years passed by her daughter took a very different path than what her mom had hoped for.
What happened? The daughter wasn’t putting the right ingredients into her life when she was young to get the result of a godly woman when she was older.
Becoming a godly girl isn’t going to happen by default.
In order to reap the right results, you have to intentionally use the right ingredients. And it starts now.
Maybe you’re excited about using the right ingredients for becoming a godly girl, but aren’t sure where to start.
Here’s a list of 5 great places to start:
1. Know your Savior. Make a schedule and set aside special time each day to study your Bible and talk to God. The book of Proverbs is a great place to start because there is one chapter for every day of the month.
2. Serve your family. Jesus was the ultimate example of a server and He calls us to become like Him. Look for ways to serve your parents and siblings each day.
3. Fill your mind with truth. Most of the mainstream media isn’t promoting Biblical truth. Choose to substitute your secular media choices for Christian, God-honoring choices. The phrase, “you are what you eat” is really true in a spiritual sense when it comes to what you put into your mind.
4. Read challenging books. Create a book list and commit to reading several pages a day from a solid Christian book. There are many great options to start with at the GirlDefined.com Resources Page.
5. Avoid self-promotion. We live in a culture that encourages an “all about me, selfie” kind of mindset. Avoid the “selfie” lifestyle and instead focus your attention on building deep and meaningful relationships with your family and friends.
As Donald Whitney says, “We will not grow much in godliness if we do not know much of what it means to be godly.”
Here are some “reality check” questions to chew on:
What ingredients (movies, music, books, magazines, friendships, etc.) are you putting into your life right now? Are they helping or hindering your Christian walk?
In five years, will you be a more godly girl because of what you’re doing in your life today, or will you slowly drift off the path?
Write down the five bullet points from above on a piece of paper. I challenge you to apply those five truths to your life today.
Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below! I love hearing from you.
Photo credit: www.flickr.com | Vu Bui