The cold weather. The beautiful lights. The white snow. The music. The traditions. The feelings of warmth and love. The gifts. The Christmas season.
I don’t know about you, but when the Christmas season rolls around, I get in a sentimental, sweet, and special sort of mood. I soak up my time spent with friends and family and treasure every special tradition we celebrate during the December month.
One of my favorite parts of the Christmas season is…wait for it…the Christmas music. I absolutely L-O-V-E Christmas music. I admit, I’m guilty. I break all the rules. I started listening to Christmas music before Thanksgiving this year. I just can’t get enough of it.
Steal a Kiss Under the Mistletoe
One of my personal favorite Christmas songs is “Come On, Christmas” by Matthew West.
“Well, there’s just something about this time of year
You can feel the excitement in the air
Everyone’s hangin’ with family and friends
And it’s making you feel like a kid once again
Steal a kiss under the mistletoe…”
And then it happens. The talk of mistletoe. If there is one topic that seems to overwhelm the Christmas season, it’s romance. Romance and holidays seem to go hand-in-hand these days. Which is fabulous, If you’re in a relationship or married. But, if you’re single (like I am) it can present a whole new world of feelings and emotions.
Holidays and Romance
As a single girl, I totally get it. I get that the holiday season can be completely awesome and completely difficult at the same time. I realize that and want to acknowledge that. I know there are many of you out there who have a “love/hate” relationship with the holidays.
I’ve talked to countless single girls who have expressed their desire for just wanting that “someone special” to share the joys of the season with.
I’m sure many of you can relate.
You hear the music, you see the pictures, you feel the “love in the air” and you just wish you had a man to enjoy it with. But, you don’t. It’s just little old you with your Christmas music and peppermint mocha. You dream of the day when you will have a family of your own and someone to “steal a kiss under the mistletoe” with, but that’s not your current reality.
A New Perspective and a Little Bit of Hope
From one single girl to another, I want to share with you a new perspective and a little bit of hope. I want to encourage you with some nuggets of truth that have really helped me remain joyful, happy, and content during the holidays, despite my relationship status.
1. Don’t Compare.
One of the biggest things, we, as single girls like to do, is compare. We compare our lives to those around us and then cry because we don’t have what others have. God has a different plan and time frame for each one of our lives. Let’s remember that God is all-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving, all-amazing and totally in control. You can one-hundred percent trust Him with your relationship status. Trust that His timing is best and don’t compare His plan for you to His plan for others.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6)
2. Remain Outward Focused
When life is all about “me, me, and me” it becomes very sad and depressing. Get your eyes focused on others and choose to bless those around you during this holiday season. Get creative and think of ways to add some unexpected fun to those closest to you. Bake and decorate sugar cookies with your siblings, read a book (Lamplighters are amazing) by the fire, drink hot chocolate and look through baby albums, write cards to soldiers, or, visit an old folks home. Do something this season to unexpectedly bless someone around you.
3. Make the Most of the Season
I encourage you to make the most of the season. Don’t let it slip by without making some amazing new memories. Awesome memories aren’t reserved for those only in romantic relationships. We, as single girls, can have just as much fun and memory making as those in relationships. You just need to make some efforts to create those special moments.
4. Focus on the Reason for the Season
Take some time to read through, either, Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John over the next few weeks. Seriously, take some time to remember that Jesus is the true reason for the season. The movie “The Nativity Story” is also an incredible reminder of what the season is all about. I highly recommend it.
I’d love to hear from you now. How do you remain joyful and content during the “romantic holiday season” as a single girl? How do you keep a smile on your face when it feels like all of your friends are happily enjoying the mistletoe?
Leave your thoughts in the comments section below.