Since the day I got engaged to my Fiance David, I’ve been asked a similar question over and over again. Messages from single women on Instagram, Facebook, and email all want to know the same thing.
Now that I’m engaged, what is the one thing I want single women to know?
Now that I’ve passed my full on single days, I guess many of you are curious what I have to say looking back on that season. It’s an interesting thought and a great question. I’ve been thinking quite about it a bit over the past few days.
To be honest, my single years (in my late twenties) were some of the best years of my entire life. I genuinely loved that season of life and I wouldn’t change a single thing about it.
I loved learning to trust God fully and I loved learning to thrive as a result.
My hope and prayer is that every one of you can get to that point. I so want you to thrive and not simply survive. Your single years can be some of the best years of your life if you allow God to work in and through you. Don’t become an unhappy grouch that hates life and hates everyone who’s smiling. God has sooo much more in store for you as a single if you’ll only get your eyes onto Him.
Back to the question. What is the one thing I want single women to know? This is what I want them to know.
I want single women to know that they can THRIVE during their single years.
I want single women to know that it is one-hundred-percent possible to thrive and love life as a single. You do not need a guy, a husband, a relationship, or anything close to that to be truly happy and joy-filled. I’m telling you, Dav is not the reason that I love life. Don’t get me wrong, He’s amazing and I love him. But my joy and satisfaction come from the Lord. My relationship with Christ is what helps me to enjoy my relationship with Dav more fully.
Instead of assuming that a relationship will be the final puzzle piece in your life, ask God how you can live fully for Him now. Don’t wait around for a guy to begin living your life. Do your absolute best to fully live your life right now.
If God has you single, He has you single for a reason.
Don’t waste these precious years. Way too many single women go through this season upset, angry, worried, and discontent. Their single years are wasted away in misery as a result.
Don’t let that happen to you.
Allow God to use you during this season. There is so much work that needs to be done for God’s Kingdom. Choose to live your life for as one who’s willing to be used by God.
“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” (Matthew 9:37b-38).
Choose to be one of the few.
The Bible clearly says that the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Be one of the few.
In order to thrive as a single (or married), we need to keep our eyes focused on the bigger picture. We need to zoom out and look at life more wholly and fully. It’s important to remember that life isn’t all about us. It’s not. It’s about serving God and being a laborer for Him.
It’s also important to remember who and what we should be seeking first and foremost.
But seek ye first his kingdom, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you (Matthew 6:33).
Seek first God’s kingdom. Not a guy.
That should be our heart’s desire. Ask God to make that your heart. Ask Him to make that your truest ambition.
With a heart that seeks to serve the Lord and be used by Him, I believe you have the secret to thriving as a single.
What about you?
How can you apply Matthew 9:37-38 to your life?
How can you live out Matthew 6:33?