Why the Kitchen is Actually an Empowering Place for Women
Ep 173 – Are women bound to a life of misery if they take on this role in the home. Cooking. Cleaning. Caretaking. Sleeping. Wake up. Repeat. Is this brainless work? The home can be either a prison or a gospel flourishing environment. When you create a space for people to build relationships, nourish their […]
Three Popular Places to Misplace Your Identity
002 – Have you ever thought to yourself, “if only I were prettier then I’d be happy?” Or, “if only guys would notice me, then I wouldn't be insecure?” Or, “if only I had more followers on social media, then I’d have influence?” In a culture that idolizes physical beauty, romantic relationships and success, it’s […]
Becoming a Girl Defined By God
001 – The pressure to measure up to an impossible standard of womanhood is something Kristen and Bethany have faced over and over again. Most girls have an internal checklist that they’re trying to find their identity and worth through. Whether it’s being perfectly skinny, getting married by a certain age, or having cellulite-free legs, […]
Welcome to the Girl Defined Show
What is God’s design for women? In a world that is constantly redefining our worth and identity, we need to know that the only one who can define us is the One who designed us. The Girl Defined Show is for Christian girls everywhere, offering a distinctly God-centered view of beauty, femininity, identity, and worth. […]