The stage was filled with the presence of a woman overflowing with confidence, security, authority, beauty, and boldness.
Silence filled the auditorium as we all watched this mighty woman of God share counter-cultural truths that would utterly shock the average woman. She wasn’t scared or afraid to say what she was saying. She spoke like a woman who knew that her source of information was as true as true can be.
This woman possesses the secret that we, women as a whole, desperately long for.
She has found the secret to true womanhood. She knows that her Authority and Guide is tried and true. This woman has the answers that so many of us are searching for and striving after.
She’s discovered the secret to true worth, hope, and satisfaction.
Can you imagine being a woman who is extremely confident in her identity? Can you imagine knowing exactly where your worth comes? Can you imagine waking up every day with full confidence that you have an important purpose for that day? Can you imagine fully embracing the reality that your value has nothing to do with what guys think of you, how much money you have, how great your job is, or how hot others think you are?
Can you imagine?
The truth is, you can be that kind of woman.
The woman I introduced you to has found the secret to becoming a truly bold, brave and powerful woman and I want to share it with you. The secret is this:
Her entire identity is found in Christ alone.
He is her rock.
He is her strength.
He is her goal.
He is her focus.
He is her Joy.
He is her prize.
He is her peace.
He is her comfort.
He is her hope.
He is her foundation.
He is her security.
He is her example.
He gives her power.
He gives her boldness.
He makes her brave.
He gives her true and lasting beauty.
He transforms her to be like Himself.
He is strong when she is weak.
He gives her breath and life.
He is the reason that she lives.
This woman understands that God is her Creator and He alone defines her purpose, worth, and identity as a woman. She knows that the Bible is tried and true and that God’s Word is the only true source of authority to stand on.
If you want to avoid (or overcome) serious insecurities and major identity issues, stop and ask yourself this question:
Is my identity as a woman found in Christ alone?
If you are looking to anything (absolutely anything) other than Christ to give you true worth, purpose, and fulfilment, it will fail you. It will not work long term.
I want to challenge you to stop and evaluate your own life. If you are totally and completely honest with yourself, which camp do you fall into? Do you define your worth according to what others think about you? Or, do you define your worth according to who you are in Christ and what He says about you?
Take a few minutes right now to stop and listen to “In Christ Alone” by Keith and Kristyn Getty.
If you desire to have true confidence, security, and hope in your own life, you have to make the words of that song true for you. Reread these slowly and make this your prayer.
Ask God to make this true for you.
“In Christ alone my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This cornerstone, this solid ground,
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My comforter, my all in all
Here in the love of Christ I stand.”
Make it personal…
In what ways are you looking to something/someone, other than Christ, to bring you worth as a woman?
How can you strengthen your relationship with Christ so that He truly becomes your all-in-all?