Ep. 022 – What’s the harm in dating a non-Christian guy? What if he’s a highly moral guy, but he’s not a Christian. Is dating okay? We love each other and love is bigger than religion, right? We get asked these questions and more on a regular basis. Christian girls want to know if it's biblically okay for a christian girl to date a non-christian guy. The argument goes, "It's not like we're getting married. It's just dating."
In today's episode on The Girl Defined Show, we dig deep into God's Word and unpack five reasons why we believe it's not wise for christian and a non-christian to be a dating relationship.
Shine Bright: 60 Days to Becoming Girl Defined by God
Girl Defined: Discovering God's Design for Beauty, Femininity and Identity
Love Defined: Embracing God's Vision for Lasting Love and Satisfying Relationships