As a young teen I never would have guessed that my season of singleness would have lasted as long as it has. I truly thought that by 27 I would be married. Surely! I thought I’d probably even have two or three kids by now as well.
But, single? That wasn’t even on my radar.
I realize that many of you are in the exact same position as myself. You’re single and you have no idea when, or if, marriage will be in your future. I get it. I get the singleness. I get the struggles. I get the longing for marriage. I get the wondering if you’ll be single forever. I get all of those feelings. I can relate to you.
Today’s blog post isn’t about the “struggle” or the “hardship” of being single though. Today’s blog is a topic that has been on my heart for quite some time. If you are a single gal, this message is specifically for you.
I want you to take a minute and just imagine this possibility with me.
Imagine what would happen if we, as single Christian girls, used these years to live all out for Christ. Imagine if we took advantage of our youthful energy and flexible life schedules and strived to make an impact in our communities. Imagine if we lived as if every day were an opportunity to make an impact for the Kingdom of God. Just imagine the impact we would have.
The reality is, we can have that opportunity if we want it.
We, as single Christian girls, have the potential to make one of the biggest impacts in our world. We have the energy, passion, youthfulness, and flexibility that most other people don’t have. If we would catch the vision and live sold out for Christ, our world couldn’t help but be impacted for the good.
It’s time for us, as single girls, to stop wasting our lives for the “one day when I’m married” and start living all out for Christ right now.
We have so much opportunity to be used by God and we need to take advantage of this season before it’s too late. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. Never will you be in this exact season again.
I’m challenging you to rethink this season and strive to live all out for Christ. Here are my three challenges for you:
1. Live All Out For Christ
God wants to use you, as a single girl, in ways He won’t be able to use you as a married girl. Choose to make the most of your single years by living all out for Christ. Don’t hold back. Give Him the best hours of your day and strive to point others to Him in everything that you do.
2. Embrace the Moment
Don’t miss out on what God has for you right now. So many single girls waste some of the best years of their lives dreaming about the future. Don’t make that mistake. Live fully in the moment. Embrace this season of singleness and make the most of it.
3. Search for Opportunities
Sometimes you have to get up and search for opportunities to serve God. They don’t always come knocking on your door. Take a moment to research the needs of your church, friends, community and make a big effort to serve and to get involved. Don’t wait around for the opportunity to fall into your lap. Get up and find it!
It’s time for us to stop waiting for the future and start living in the here and now. God has each of us single for a reason and we need to take advantage of that. Let’s link arms and encourage each other during this time. Let’s encourage each other to live all out for Christ and make these single years count for eternity.
Will you accept the challenge?
I’d love to hear from you now. How can you live all out for Christ right now? Which of the three points do you most need to incorporate into your life?