Ten years ago I memorized the majority of Proverbs 31. As a twenty-year-old single young woman, I wasn’t exactly sure how to implement what I was reading. I wanted to become like this woman and put her incredible heart and lifestyle into action, but I was single.
I wasn’t married. I didn’t have a family. I didn’t have a household to take care of.
Instead of dismissing this passage and ignoring its wisdom, I took out my pen and made some notes in my Bible. As a single gal, I noted my six big takeaways and began praying that God would one day make me that kind of woman.
Fast forward to today and I’m a newlywed married to my very best friend.
My desire to be a Proverbs 31 woman is very strong, but also very overwhelming. That woman was amazing. She was a total boss lady in the godliest way possible. Isn’t that the dream? To be a godly, pure, humble boss lady. A lady who rocks God’s design for her as a female, while taking incredible care of everyone around.
Yeah, amazing.
Instead of looking at the entire passage of Proverbs 31 and feeling like I could never measure up, I decided to read through the 6 basic truths I pulled from this passage.
These 6 basic truths are practical tips I wrote down for myself when I was a single twenty year old. Whether you are single, engaged, or married, I think these practical tips will help you to better easily grasp Proverbs 31.
6 Ways You can Live Out Proverbs 31
1. Love the Lord above all things.
2. Be my husbands #1 cheerleader.
3. Be my husbands #1 prayer warrior.
4. Put him before me.
5. Create a home of peace and joy for him to come to.
6. Love him like Jesus loves me.
It doesn’t matter if you are single or married. These are things you can begin praying for right now.
If you’re single, pray that God would begin creating this sort of heart inside of you. Strive to Love the Lord above all things in your life. Begin praying for your current family. Cheer on your friends and those closest to you. Put others before yourself. Strive to be a woman who is filled with peace and joy. And love others like Jesus loves you.
That’s a tall order.
If you begin working on becoming that kind of woman now, you’ll have a massive head start once you get married (if God has that in store for you).
Married Gals!
If you’re a married woman, begin earnestly praying that God would transform you into this kind of woman. Pray that God would give you the boldness and courage to kick your old habits in the rear end and begin loving your husband in the way that God intended.
If you’re not loving and cheering on your husband, who will? If you’re not praying for him, who will?
If you’re not loving him like Jesus, who will?
I want to challenge you to write those 6 application points down and began working on those today. Ask God to transform your heart and mind into a godly woman who love her husband like the Bible encourages you to.
What do you think? How can you implement the 6 truths into your life?