We live in a culture where modesty isn’t valued at all anymore
We’re taught that it’s completely normal to uncover 90% of our skin. We’re told that less is more. That being sexy is the most important thing.
The two of us feel this pressure and we’re guessing you do too!
It’s so important for us, as women, to pause and think about why we do what we do. Why do we wear clothes? Why do we want to dress with decency? Why do we value modesty? Unless we can answer those questions from a truly biblical perspective, we won’t fully grasp God’s heart for us in this area
Understanding God’s original purpose for clothing changes everything.
When did clothes first come on the scene? This back to the very beginning of Genesis and think about what happened with Adam and Eve.
Think back to the very beginning of Genesis and think about what happened with Adam and Eve.
- Perfect life. No sin or shame
- Naked and unashamed. No reason to cover up (Genesis 2:25)
- They sinned and their eyes were opened.
- They immediately covered themselves with fig leaves (Genesis 3:7)
- Shame entered the world (Genesis 3:9-10)
- Christ killed an animal to cover their sins (Genesis 3:21).
- Clothes entered the scene!
- Sin has a price. It requires a blood sacrifice (Heb. 9:22)
- This act is a picture of Christ’s covering for our sin.
“God was illustrating to Adam and Eve that there had to be payment for their sin. In covering them, He was showing them that there had to be death and bloodshed to take away their sin. The clothing of Adam and Eve is a picture of the Gospel.” – Ken Ham
Clothing is an outward symbol of our inner need for Jesus.