I spotted my target. He was tall, lanky, and had a head full of bushy brown hair. I convinced my sixteen-year-old self that he was drop-dead gorgeous (in a manly sort of way, of course).
There was a major problem, though. My best friend thought he was gorgeous, too.
Uh-oh. Girl fight!
Besties crushing on the same guy is never a good thing.
After talking about our crush, my friend and I decided to have a competition. Neither of us had actually met this guy—we’d only stared and admired—and we wanted to change that. We decided that whoever had the most guts to meet him and get to know him was the winner.
Long story short, I mustered up every ounce of guts I had in my body, walked up to the guy, struck up a convo, and relished in my victory.
That marked the beginning and end of my “relationship” with Mr. Great Hair.
Looking back, I can’t help but laugh at my “guy-chasing” skills. I was determined to meet him first, and so I made it happen.
Chasing something better.
If you are anything like me, guys are (or have been) a big thought on your mind. You think about them, dream about them, and think about them some more. Am I right? If only I had had the same determination to chase after God as I did after guys.
Walk with me for a second through one of your average days, and select the correct answer. On an average day . . .
1. I don’t think about guys at all. I don’t have a crush, and guys just aren’t a big thought on my mind.
2. I think about guys only when I see, or am around, a guy I’m interested in. Other than that, guys aren’t a big part of my life.
3. Guys are on my mind throughout the day. I wouldn’t say I’m obsessed, but I definitely like thinking and daydreaming about guys.
4. I’m basically obsessed with guys. Guys are a huge thought on my mind, and I’m pretty much thinking, dreaming, and drooling about them all throughout the day.
Which answer did you select? As a sixteen-year-old girl, I would say I was somewhere between a 3–4.
Guys were definitely a huge part of my thought life.
I put way more time into chasing guys than I did chasing God and His Word.
I want to repeat the question with a twist.
Walk with me for a second through one of your average days, and select the correct answer. On an average day . . .
1. I don’t think about God at all. I don’t read my Bible, and God just isn’t a big thought on my mind.
2. I think about God only when I’m at church or am around someone who’s really into Him. Other than that, God just isn’t a big part of my life.
3. God is on my mind throughout the day. I wouldn’t say I’m obsessed, but I definitely think about how I can honor Him and serve Him throughout the day.
4. I’m basically obsessed with God. He is a huge thought on my mind, and I’m pretty much focused on Scripture and bringing glory to God all throughout the day.
Which answer did you select? When you compare your first answer about guys to your second answer about God, which one gets a bigger slice of the pie?
I can’t help but wonder how radically different our lives would look if we had the same passion, drive, and desire to chase after God as we often do about guys.
We, as Christian girls, would turn this world upside down.
I’m probably older than many of you reading this blog.
Mind if I share some big sister advice and challenge you to do what I wish I would have done more in my younger years?
Instead of spending the best hours of your daydreaming about your crush, spend it growing in your relationship with your Savior. Here are some amazing verses that I often quote to myself to focus my mind in the right direction:
As a deer pants for flowing streams,
so pants my soul for you, O God.
My soul thirsts for God,
for the living God.
When shall I come and appear before God? (Ps. 42:1–2).
Who Is Chasing Who?
I want to chase hard after God.
I want you to do the same, but we all need the reminder that on our own, none of us can chase after what is good. Our sinful heart naturally craves all of the wrong things.
But God chased us first (1 John 4:19). When we were still sinners, He made a way for us to be in a relationship with Him forever (Rom. 5:8). Even when we run in the opposite direction, He chases us still because He loves us so much!
You don’t have to shift your priorities to please Him or do it out of guilt, but instead because He is more worthy of our affections than any dude ever will be.
With God’s amazing/sacrificial love in mind, how are you going to chase Him in your everyday life?
Join Me on March 24th for an exclusive online LIVE sisterhood event “Guys and Romance: Navigating Your Love Life in a God Honoring Way.”