It was already late in the evening when I found myself sitting in front of my laptop googling beauty tips: How can I put on my makeup in a way that conceals my trapezoidal face? What haircut would suit me best? Is there a secret to clear skin?
Well, I’m the girl who always changes her hair color, the one who sleeps with coconut oil in her hair (my hair really seems healthier these days, I’m not kidding!), and tries out cosmetic products when friends tell her about how effective they are.
It always takes place in the same way.
At first, I’m very excited and hopeful that the new beauty advice would finally help and make me feel more fulfilled this time. I try the new mascara, the contouring-stick, the zinc oxide cream and wait for the result.
Sometimes, I’m happy about my new accomplishment, but this euphoria only lasts until I see a new picture on Instagram that shows a woman who seems to have everything I don’t have (beautiful wavy hair, an oval-shaped face, and tanned skin).
I wish I could tell you now, “Haha, I’m just kidding. I’m absolutely not like that outward-obsessed girl.
In my heart, I know that God created me exactly how He wanted me to be such as David says in Psalm 139. The truth is that I need to read this passage in the Bible perhaps every day. I guess I even need to wallpaper my room so that I would never forget what it says: “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well” (Psalm 139:14).
But the enemy doesn’t want me to believe in God’s love, grace, and faithfulness. He wants me to listen to his lies and to believe them. He wants to weaken me…to make me doubt my identity in Christ and to distance me from embracing God’s grace. The Enemy of my soul knows how to use not only social media but many other sources in my daily life to do just that.
I believe one of those serious fiery arrows of the enemy is the comparison.
Do you realize how comparison poisons you and steals your joy? If we compare ourselves to others and conclude that they have something we don’t, but want to have (e.g. that they are more beautiful, more talented, more intelligent and more successful), we start feeling unhappy and ungrateful.
Comparison causes more than dissatisfaction. Behind our frustration hides an even bigger problem: We are accusing God.
Our message is: “God, you are not good. All the blessings you have given me aren’t enough. I know better than You for what I need – and I desperately need that shiny hair, that cute apartment, that job, a boyfriend, etc. Only then can I be truly happy.”
However, in the midst of our grumbling hearts, we must remember this truth: God is holy – we are dust. God is perfect – we are sinners. Our Lord is so holy that we’re not able to see His face. God covered Moses while His glory passed by because otherwise Moses would have died immediately (Exodus 33:20).
God is our creator, He knows what we need and He already gave us so much more than we deserve.
He sacrificed Himself to set you free from all your sin, from everything that separates you from Him. And now, “Stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery” (Galatians 5:1).
Do not be overcome by your own sinful pride and idolatry – don’t be a slave of comparison, but test your heart and bring all your dissatisfaction to the cross. Ask God to fill your heart with His joy and His peace. You are a daughter of the one true King – abide in your relationship with Christ. Sister, we are on this journey together. Let’s be faithful.
I’d love to hear from you below.
- In what ways are you currently struggling with comparison?
- What can you do in order to defend yourself from the deceitful “fiery arrows” of the enemy?
This guest post was written by Mirjana Joy Mertin from Church Girl Blog.