The conversation was heated. The room was tense. The looks on my girl friends faces were anything but peaceful.
After all of the years of friendship, we had finally hit the landmine.
Someone mentioned a specific doctrinal belief and the room exploded. Half the girls believed one opinion and half believed the other. Despite the dramatic pleas from each side to “see the light” we had to call it truce.
No one was budging.
When I arrived home that evening, I shared my afternoon’s happenings with my parents. Instead of my parents just saying to me, their young 14-year-old daughter, “this is what you should believe,” they taught me to chase down the truth.
My dad sent me a few links, printed up some articles and challenged me to read them.
He said they each had some really great points and he challenged me to look into truth for myself. To read God’s Word for myself. To not be swept up in what my friends thought but to chase down the truth for myself.
I did study. I did pray. I did come to a conclusion and belief that I still hold to this day.
I chased down the truth and my beliefs were planted firmly in God’s Word. No opinion or loud voice would sway me at this point. I knew the truth and I wasn’t budging.
This little life experience has taught me so much about being a Christian woman in modern society.
In life, we have a lot of different voices trying to pull us in a lot of different directions. When it comes to our femininity, the perspectives on how to live it out are endless.
Here are a few loud voices you might recognize…
Abortion is a woman’s right. It’s her body, she can do what she wants.
Gender is a personal choice. You can be whichever gender you want to be.
Sex is fine whenever and with whomever. Just be safe.
Purity is so old-fashioned.
Modesty is a sign you are ashamed of your body.
The bottom line is this.
You are going to hear a lot of different opinions and you are going to be pulled in a lot of different directions. If you are not intentional about chasing down truth, you will get swept up in the flow of our culture (which typically isn’t pointing you towards God’s Word).
If we, as Christian women, want to live our lives according to God’s design, we must be intentional to chase down the truth. We can’t expect truth to come knocking on our door. We have to intentionally go after it.
When I was in 8th grade my dad challenged me to seek out the truth and know it for myself.
Today, I’m challenging you to do the same thing.
As I was thinking through this blog post, Psalm 1 came to mind. This is a passage that my dad had me and my siblings memorize as kids (I guess thinking back to that story triggered more things my dad encouraged me to do).
I think these verses go so perfectly with what I want you to take away from this blog post.
Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers (Psalm 1:1-3).
We have to be women who meditate on God’s word. Women who pull our truth, opinions, ideas, and morals from the Bible.
We must be women who are rooted firmly in God’s Word and are not easily swayed when challenged, pushed, or pulled in a different direction. We must know the truth and we must be firmly rooted in the truth.
My prayer is that each and every one of us will choose to chase down the truth.
I’ve come up with a few areas that we as women need to be intentional to chase down the truth. I’ve linked different blog posts that Kristen and I have written to help you chase down the truth in each of these areas.
Biblical Womanhood
Understanding God’s “Road Map” For Your Womanhood
It Takes a Brave Girl to Live Out Biblical Womanhood
Don’t Believe the Lies of Counterfeit Womanhood
Why Feminism and Christianity Can’t Mix
Feminism is Laughing at Our God
God’s Design for Sex is Way Better than Hollywood’s Cheap Imitation
7 Major Benefits of Saving Sex for Marriage – Part 1
7 Major Benefits of Saving Sex for Marriage – Part 2
Taking True Love into Your Romantic Relationships
Red Flags To Look For In a Romantic Relationship
Answering Your Guy Questions: Dating, Bad Relationships, & Guy Friends | Vlog
The Horrifying Truth About Abortion and Why it Matters
The Birth Control Pill: What Every Christian Girl Needs to Know
An Open Letter to the Women of #ShoutYourAbortion
Let’s talk…
How can you be more intentional to chase down the truth?
Which of the topics do you need a better biblical understanding?